Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flea Market Visit Updates

Today, I went to my listening post (the flea market in Homestead) for the third time, but it was my first time going on a Sunday and boy was it beyond packed!!!  There were also many more shops set up and I got lost trying to find Maria.  

SN: Before I found her shop, I went to the Farmer's Market section to look at produce.  I had a short conversation with a young man who worked there, and realized immediately he was different from the family I had been seeing.  He came off as if he felt too good to work there and I was turned off.  It was also ironic that he tried to speak English with me, and I only wanted to speak Spanish.  (Never thought that would happen)  He's 23 and when I would try to ask about his work there, he would divert the convo to tell me how he couldn't wait to get off work to go to south beach with his friends and spend money.  Yuck! 

Anyway, I walked around for a while longer and finally found the warm familiar face I was looking for: Maria! :)  This time, I moved up from a handshake, which I had received the last two times, to a kiss and a hug.  She's so sweet! She seemed really happy to see me and I felt good.  I brought some FIU goodies for her sons, since they have told me they want to come here for Engineering because I thought it would get them excited and motivated to graduate.  They were extremely grateful and it warmed my heart.  The oldest son is actually on his second attempt at the SAT, and is getting desperate.  I consoled him by letting him know that I didn't pass it till my third time, and he should relax before the test and purchase a book with practice tests because it helps a lot. I also found out that the boys play soccer and actually have a game tonight after they finish work.  I have no idea how they have the energy for that after 12 hrs of labor in the hot sun, but admire their passion.  

I continued to talk with Maria, but she was busier than usual.  This however made me happy for her because I know she's struggling with money.  She told me how she just finished paying off her two cars' insurances and is basically left with nothing. Still, she wears a smile.  In addition, she is so proud of her little shop.  She started telling me how she wants to put up shelves and move things around to have more space, and when it talks about it, you can see her dignity and pride come out.  Unfortunately, she doesn't have the money to make those arrangements right now so she is saving up.  All the vendors are now also required to change the material they use to shade the sun, but that too is expensive.  I helped her move around some stuff and clear up space before I left.

As I browsed the other shops, I noticed some teenage girls walking around in heels.  Now, maybe it's just me but I felt like it was a bit much considering the dirt roads and lack of fancy in the place.  But as I observed them and other teenagers, I realized that this is their hang out.  This flea market is the equivalent to my Aventura mall.  They get all dressed up and come hang out with friends, and browse for potential boyfriends/girlfriends.  My plan for next time I go is to get to know some of these teens and hang out with them for a different perspective.  

Friday, October 15, 2010

You are Beautiful No Matter What they Say!

Teen Suicide
Are Schools Fixing the Problem?

School bullying is really irritating to me.  Lately, there has been strong anti-LGBT bullying, but bullying in general has always existed against any type of diversity and it is so stupid!!! Most times, people don't see the extreme effects bullying can have on the victims, so maybe now we will open our eyes.

I agree that schools desperately need to do something about this disease, because that's what bullying really is.  Schools need to establish safe zones where students can come and talk anonymously and securely when they a problem, and the consequences for bullies need to be extreme.  A bully to a 12-year-old today can become a murderer tomorrow.  And a victim to bullying today, whatever the reason, can become depressed and develop serious psychological trauma tomorrow.  Everybody loses, and not only that, but it's just sick and immoral dammit!  I don't understand how people can be so cruel and find pleasure in making someone else's life a living hell.  How many kids have to die before America sees the seriousness in this issue?

The news says schools are trying to think of ways to teach more about homosexuality which is a great idea, but they need to be teaching about diversity in general.  This falls under the problem that kids these days don't get life skills training.  Sure math and science are important to learn, but what about values and how to be a good person in this world?  Obviously, parents are not doing their job, so the school is the next place that can teach them before it's too late.

Bullying is stupid, immature, and shows a lack of knowledge for the "unknown" and insecurity.  It has been the quiet problem for hundreds of years, but it's time to TALK ABOUT IT.  No kid, or human being, has the right to feel better than someone else and then torture them for it.  Call me old school, but I think bringing back some of the old disciplinary methods would work wonders.  Bring me a bully, I'll make him kneel outside on rocks for a few hours, and let's see if the nonsense isn't knocked out of him by the time the day is done.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, AND WORDS CAN ALSO KILL ME. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Take ah jump, start to wave, start ah wine, it's CARNIVAL!!!!

Caribbean Carnival is a basically a season of festivities that can last anywhere from May - March, varying depending on the country or state it is in.  But on a more basic note, it is THE MOST FUN TIME OF THE YEAR!!!!!! And it's also a great look into the Caribbean culture, so I think the topic fits perfectly in our class.  You can listen to the music, admire the art, try food from Jamaica to Trinidad, and meet new people from all around.

I go to Miami Carnival every year, and sometimes play mas (dress in costume to be part of the parade) when I have enough money.  This year, my friends and I simply made shirts and went to the events surrounding Carnival.  These events include Jouvert, a water and paint party, and Wet Fete, just a water party.  Every club caters to Carnival weekend by playing soca, calypso and reggae music, despite what its usual playlist contains.  
playin mas

Carnival 2010 (Palance is a dance but it really means to party, dance, have fun and be free)
Palance Music Video

People from all over the Caribbean fly into Miami just to come to this festival, and many people follow it around, going everywhere it goes since it's in a different place every weekend.  I hope to be able to do this one day because I want to experience it in places like Canada and especially in Trinidad and Tobago, where it originated.  It's very important to the culture because it's a time, when no matter what's going on, you can relax, take pride in your culture and have fun.  Every year has a different theme, and when Carnival is not going on, everyone is preparing for it.

Carnival actually originated as a religious festival that took place before Lent, so it has a lot of interesting history behind it.  I think everyone should attend Carnival at least once in their lifetime, and more importantly PALANCE whenever you can! :)